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Trafik Clipart

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Turkey Highway Standard Traffic Signs, Warning Signs (Turkish: Karayollari Standart Trafik Isaret Levhalari, Tehlike Uyari Isaretleri)
Regulatory signs, Road signs in Turkey (Turkish: Karayollari Standart Trafik Isaret Levhalari, Trafik Tanzim Isaretleri)
1-7 Mayis Trafik ve Ilk yardim haftasi. Ilk yardim hayat kurtarir. Translate: 1-7 May Traffic and First Aid week. First aid saves lives
1-7 mayıs trafik ve ilk yardım haftası
translation: may 1-7 traffic and first aid week
U-turn sign, Underpass, Information signs, Road signs in Turkey. Standard traffic signs on Turkish highways. (Turkish: Karayolları standart trafik işaret levhaları, Bilgi işaretleri)
Intersection Name Sign, Highway Signs, Highway Standard Traffic Signs Turkey (Turkish: Karayolları Standart Trafik İşaret Levhaları, Otoyol İşaretleri, Kavşak İsim Levhaları)
Gendarme, Road signs in Turkey. Standard traffic signs on Turkish highways. (Turkish: Karayollari standart trafik isaret levhalari, Bilgi isaretleri)
Zabıta Haftası Kutlu Olsun. Translation: Happy Guard Week. Greeting Card.
14 eylul dunya ilk yardim gunu kutlu olsun (Happy 14th september world first aid day)
1-7 Mayis Trafik ve Ilk yardim haftasi. Ilk yardim hayat kurtarir. Translate: 1-7 May Traffic and First Aid week. First aid saves lives
Warning signs, Road signs in Turkey (Turkish: Karayollari Standart Trafik Isaret Levhalari, Tehlike Uyari Isaretleri)
Ramp Pedestrian Overpass, Road signs in Turkey. Standard traffic signs on Turkish highways. (Turkish: Karayollari standart trafik isaret levhalari, Bilgi isaretleri)
1-7 Mayis Trafik ve Ilk yardim haftasi. Ilk yardim hayat kurtarir. Translate: 1-7 May Traffic and First Aid week. First aid saves lives
HGS sign, Highway Signs, Highway Standard Traffic Signs Turkey (Turkish: Karayolları Standart Trafik İşaret Levhaları, Otoyol İşaretleri, HGS Levhaları)
1-7 Mayis Trafik ve Ilk yardim haftasi. Ilk yardim hayat kurtarir. Translate: 1-7 May Traffic and First Aid week. First aid saves lives

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